About Us
We welcome you to Reignershouse of Faith
Welcome to Reignershouse of Faith. Our church community was built in 2014 and since then we have added two branches and are growing rapidly to the glory of God.
As a church community, we are committed to loving one another as Jesus loved us. In line with our mission of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ Jesus. We help individuals to have an amazing journey with the walk of Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour.
Committed to studying the word of God to show ourselves approved unto God and proclaiming the message of the gospel. It is with great excitement that we welcome you and look forward to supporting your walk with Jesus Christ
Core Values
VALUES are foundational motivations and inspiration, nonnegotiable guiding principles. They are our “die fors” those things which you never sacrifice
give a community a particular “flavour” matter most characterizes everything that happens never changes as vision, strategies and plans do truth, fellowship, worship, compassion, unity, love, acceptance, fruitfulness, holiness, prayer, excellence, integrity, discipleship and empowerment.
God centred – We seek to know and worship God. This is his Church.
Prayerful – The prayer life of this church will be foundational for all we do.
Biblical – God has spoken, is speaking and will speak in and through his word. We are committed to teaching creatively and training people in this way of life. We desire to be a people who live out God’s word daily.
Relational – Our goal is to develop relationships through which people come to know Jesus and in which they are strengthened and grow in their life with him. To be relational we will have to be real as we ‘share life’ together and demonstrate authentic practical love to others.
Faithful – We are a people with a vision and people willing to take faith steps when prompted by the Spirit to move towards God’s goal.

Loving people
We believe the church should be a place of openness, honesty and loving relationships. We want people to feel valued and respected as individuals, but also belong to a small group for mutual encouragement, discipline and support. (Acts 2:44-46; Hebrews 10:19-25)
Cultivating a healthy fear and reverence of God
Communicating the full counsel of God through clear, relevant, challenging and uncompromising Bible teaching
Training and equipping the saints for the work of service
.Developing a praying people
.Encouraging a caring community
. Bringing the gospel to the world and the world to Christ